Other Entanglements
I curated an exhibition in the Rotterdam project space Het Archief, showing my own work together with that of of Hillegon Brunt, marjolijn kok, Rei Kakiuchi, Patrícia Pinheiro de Sousa, Egied Simons; 1 to 23 december 2023.
Six artists working from research and play, connecting disparate subjects, tying together unlikely loose ends and weaving a new reality. At Het Archief, they present collages and assemblages, books, drawings, ceramics, site-specific sculptures, performance and film.
Participants were asked to consider this quotation from Nietzsche’s Human, All Too Human:
At the loom. – The few who take pleasure in untying the knot of things and unravelling its threads are actively opposed by those many (for example all artists and women) who repeatedly try to tie it again, to entangle it and thus transform what is comprehended into the uncomprehended and, where possible, incomprehensible. Whatever else may eventuate from this – the resulting knots and unravelled threads are always bound to look a trifle dirty, because too many hands have been working and tugging at them.
Heleen Schröder, At the Loom, installation with drawings on paper and ceramic, linen curtains, postcard with a Nietzsche quotation.
On the ceiling: Tocht by Egied Simons.
Heleen Schröder, At the Loom (detail).
Trophy Cabinet by Hillegon Brunt. Drawings in pencil, ink, watercolour and gouache on paper, and Toyobo etchings.
Still from As Heavy As Gold by Patrícia Pinheiro de Sousa.
Installation, from the performance Escapology by Rei Kakiuchi.
Collage and The wondrous world of the little researcher, series of collage books by marjolijn kok.
The wondrous world of the little researcher, series of collage books by marjolijn kok. Shelves by Johannes Langkamp.